Thursday, May 28, 2009


School started exactly a month ago on April 27th 2009 and to celebrate, I cut myself today. It was a small cut due to carelessness but a cut worthy of documentation for my journal. It was at Patisserie. I was trying to half a cream puff, thinking I should use a Slicer instead of a Chef's Knife, right idea but wrong application. I did not pay attention so the Slicer did its job, sliced the puff effortlessly, and then onto my finger - the same one that received a blister the other day. BTW the bandaids here at LCB are blue, in fact 'LCB Bleu', not because of the school color but rather an industry standard from what we are told. Apparently an opague or translucent bandaid will disappear in the food if it slips out, but a blue bandaid can always be found. I do not know who thought of it first, an occupational health specialist or a J&J marketing talent. Whoever, well done! I do not think Hong Kong has institutionalized this practice, have we Chef Donovan?
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1 comment:

  1. Of course! It is all neon oranges, pinks, greens & blues. Only thing is that these rubbery ones really just don't stay on for very long at all, esp when you wash your hands after every task! Pretty good though.. one month? It was inevitable but now you have nothing to be afraid of!
