Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Trimming a piece of flattened, seedless cucumber into leaf form looked so easy when Oil was demonstrating. As soon as I held my piece every move I thought I recorded visually was out of the window. This one was my 3rd, or was it the 4th try. Note the bottom part was done by Oil, the top part by me. What makes this deja vu even worse was, just like what happened at LCB, the rest of the class carried on as though they do that for a living. Shame prevails, this is what lack of talent must mean.
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  1. ...or this is what understandable lack of appetite for leaf-shaped/carved cucumber must mean. The other yummy dishes you cooked and took pictures of looked way more interesting to prepare...and eat!

  2. Damn right my friend, I must have you at home for a round of Thai food, TKT style!
