Monday, November 25, 2013


First thing first, let us get the terms right. 'Imo' is the generic reference to potatoes but to be more specific Jaga-imo is potato, Sato-imo is taro and Satsuma-imo sweet potato.

(1) 200gm of potatoes, skinned, boiled, meshed, add 5 table spoons of potato starch to make it smooth and make round cakes.
(2) prepare the sauce : 4 table spoons of sugar, 2 table spoons of soya sauce, 2 table spoons of sake.
(3)  pan fry the potato cakes until nice and brown, but soft inside
(4)  remove excess oil, pour the sauce around the cakes until hot

The taste resembles terriyaki and the texture just right. Sensei's has tested and improved her recipe so anyone can produce this. This side dish is easy, quick but above all it is plain delicious.  

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