The Soulages belong to a class of their own, and one cannot find nicer people as genuine as they are. Both wonderful cooks, they hold a full range of hearty farm recipes which we had the chance to taste. Bernard built a stone oven, by hand. I watched in amazement while he breezed through the process of making perfect crusty breads that will beat any bakery, anywhere. They are that good. Though retired, they still keep the regimen of a full day starting and ending with milking the cows at 7am & 7pm, every day, year round. How does that sound to you?
I wish I could speak French as it was fascinating talking to him via mutual guess work & sign language. It would be so educational if we could chat over a common tongue. One thing we can all see, they are very loving parents and they are so proud of Myriam & Alban, rightfully so. I loved mingling with the family.
Thank you Colette & Bernard, for taking us as your extended family.
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