Saturday, June 06, 2009


It is past midnight and I really ought to be in bed as I have not been sleeping well this past week. After getting up at 6am x 3 Patisserie mornings in a row, being able to sleep until the sun rises on a Sunday is luxury. Even better Monday is a public holiday to celebrate HM the Queen's 'Official Birthday' ie a 2-day weekend for me, another first. BTW if you want 2 birthdays a year your choices are (1) to be Chinese so you can celebrate on both your western & lunar birthdays or better still (2) to be the Queen of England. Anyone who knows when HM's 'Unofficial Birthday' is please enlighten, thanks.

Using the PP prepared, we did a bunch of 'derivatives' today, to use the term for mayonnaise based sauces in Cuisine. The little wings around the tray are Palmiers, also called Papillons or Pig's Ears. The baby in the middle is a Pithivier, filled with Frangipane ie almond meal mixed with creamed butter, sugar, flour plus flavors from vanilla essence & rum. It is a taste I have loved since I was a child but it took almost a life time for me to learn to make it. The Pithivier did not 'puff' well, obviously the result of my not OK detrempe.
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1 comment:

  1. Queen Elizabeth II - 21st April 1926 - NOW do you feel younger?

    ALSO - it is PAST midnight...sorry pet peeves..
