Monday, January 28, 2019


One of my often made but not often achieved New Year Resolutions for 2019 was to distance myself from the I-Phone. I have become more critical with people whose phones are like appendages to their hands. I was further shocked that my Screen Time is a staggering 8-hours per day or 50+ per week, a sad testimony to my addiction. I also discovered while my plan offers 2,500 talking minutes per month actual usage is less than 10% ie almost everything is conducted via WhatsApp, WeChat or the now antiquated Email. Worst of all, people closest to me especially my family, have become spechless. I approach my vendor with this brilliant arrangement  .. Just Voice .. only to be told quite a few of my peers ie late 60s and retired have done so already. I am no genius. Here I am with my “Nokia Banana” the best selling model when Nokia could do no wrong as the definitive market leader, for a royal sum of HK$650. My IP is now “Read Only” when I am out. Most of the time I do not even bring it, least of all to dinners where I hate sitting next to guests who absentmindedly check their phones after each course. I tried to stop taking food pictures too (for this Blog & TripAdvisor reviews) as it is now considered an act of rudeness. The picture of 3-4 phones taking the first bite of a dish when it arrives is very annoying, now that I am with the audience. At my age, I need to accept that almost nothing is urgent, unless one makes it so. Here I am “on voice only” I love to chat, call me instead.

POSTCRIPT : my Screen Time has been reduced to 5 hours per day which is still 50% away from my goal of 2.5 hours max, join me?        

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