Thursday, December 03, 2015


I brought along this book which I utterly enjoyed, so much so I feel obliged to share with you. John Baxter is an Aussie who has lived the expatriate life in Paris for more than 20 years. Noticing that the 'soul of the world's most revered national cuisine is in danger of disappearing' he made it his personal quest to search for, and taste, the last of the great French recipes. ' ... From surviving haute cuisine establishments in Paris to the tiny local restaurants that still serve the remarkable regional specialties of Provence, Normandy. Core d'Azur and more ...' This is literally a juicy, or should I say saucy, read.

Let me give you an aperitif, or an opener, of his style :

"Food is not about appetite but appreciation. Fine shades of meaning separate the terms for connoisseurs of food. A gourmet enjoys food and eats well. A gourmand loves food so much that he gorges himself, he is a glutton. A gastronome is someone for whom the study of food and the maintenance of its excellence means infinitely more than the satisfaction of mere appetite. He does not so much enjoy or love food as revere it ... and one does not eat what one reveres".

Masterly .. you must! 

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