Saturday, October 29, 2011

SPCC '66 @ 45TH

My graduating class, Form 5 in 1966 at St. Paul's Co-educational College celebrated our 45th Reunion a couple of weeks ago at the World Trade Center Club in Hong Kong. What you see is a beautiful, custom-designed toy model of the age-old, time-honored, #33 Macdonnell Road front gate of our alma mater.  It has become the logo or brand image of SPCC. The souvernir is unique because inside is a music box that plays our School Hymn, "We Build Our School on Thee Oh Lord ... ".  Thousands before me and thousands after will immediately embrace the opening notes, it is like returning to the womb.  David Chu, our Class Monitor, is a renown industrialist in the toy industry and this meaningful gift comes from him.

There were 85 of us, including family, some of us have known each other since primary school so we are talking about at least 50 years of friendship if we count from Form 1, in 1961, and 56 years if we backtrack even further to Primary 1, in 1955.  Collectively and unabashedly we enjoyed 5 hours of uninhibited teenage behavior, reliving our school days. Business tycoons, senior civil servants, professionals, academics, retirees and of course full time grannies ... we were 'whole' again as the gap of half-a-century closed at lightning speed.  It was a sentimental and warm journey, it was magic, as we anticpate our Jubilee, the 50th Reunion in 2016.     
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1 comment:

  1. well-written. BTW, (I'm sure it's a typo): should be either a tycoon of renown, or a renowned tycoon.
