Saturday, May 14, 2011


One observation that cuts through many of the street food hawkers I met, be in it Singapore or Bangkok or Hong Kong, or Taipei or any other Asian locations, is their attitude to work. Look at these chappati ladies at the Tanjong Pagar station, it must be hot but obviously it does not bother them. There is a sense of calmness, of containment, and of reward which to me are key pillars to build professionalism. I may be naive as they must not be making that much money and it is probably their only means of livelihood so not too much of a choice here. That said, one just cannot 'fake' happiness at work. There are just too many out there who, in a million years, would not be able to match the work ethics of these folks. Their pride, their cheerfulness, their willingness to engage customers despite the insignificance of their products are exemplary, even infectious as I watch them go through their paces. I am not 100% sure why I want to post this blog, I only know that I want this picture in my collection for prosperity. Indeed they are the walking definition of my advocacy in all of my 36-years in the work force. Well done, ladies!

1 comment:

  1. maybe they have a cooling device installed underneath...=)
