Monday, May 09, 2011


Regardless of what you think of the British royals, or for that matter any monarchy, the recent royal wedding made it to the top of the 'most watched' media event again. Amidst the pomp and circumstance in which the Brits are second to none, I cannot help but feel a bit sad. No, it is not about the obviously happy and deeply in love couple but for that 'numero uno' family. Those of us who are old enough must all remember watching Diana married Charles, unfortunately it was down hill since their procession paraded the streets of London. If the Late Princess were alive, I wonder what she would be thinking on this occasion.

'The wedding united Britain, today everyone is a Royalist .... ' it was reported on BBC. A few days later the world turned, this time to America when Osama Bin Laden was killed by a Navy Seal assault team in a foreign land. People, initally led by young partying types, were out en masse on the streets in NYC & DC in the middle of the night, to celebrate the vindication of 911. 'Justice is Done!' .... as reported in all major American network but, has it really?

I am a retired nobody and who am I to preach right or wrong. I just made a mental note on how coincidental these two events happened in such close sequence, almost one after the other, and how they managed to rally two leading nations, despite the nature being at poles. I guess this is the world we live in, and these are just reality shows with dream ratings!

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