Wednesday, July 09, 2014


Imagine you are the hosting team, going in with hope, dreams and fanfare, but ended up getting your butt kicked mercilessly in front of your compatriots ... 7-1 ... a world record of defeat in the history of the World Cup. As the Cantonese saying goes 'why bother to cry'? 'Crestfallen' ... that unique English word,  inundated with adjectives that begin with the alphabet 'D' : disappointed, dejected, dispirited, despondent, downcast, disbelief, desolate and of course, damn ... is most appropriate under these circumstances. The best shot shown on screen was that of an old Brazilian fan, seen clutching the replica of the FIFA World Cup, motionless, with quizzical eyes that beg the same question his 202 million countrymen are asking ' ... what the hell is this nonsense?' Well, the team was able to take solace in a single goal almost at the end of the 90-minute game, as shown, to which the National Coach made a face, to the bewilderment of the commentators. What was that all about? I wish it was not that brutal, for the host no less, on her home turf and yes, we should cry or at least shed a drop or two, for Brazil!      

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