Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Once upon a time there was a mother who was a kitchen Goddess, and a young man who was deeply in love with her daughter but who could not cook. Knowing the only way to get approval from the matriarch was via the culinary route, he created a simple egg dish that, yes, won her the son-in-law title. Well, this story was told when I was at Wandee, my Thai cooking school.

Khai Look Koey aka the Son-in-Law Egg, is a permanent fixture in Thai cuisine, it can be found almost anywhere in street food stalls. This delicious side dish cannot be simpler to make, and it is a perfect complement with any meal.

KHAI LOOK KOEY or Deep Fried Eggs in Tamarind Sauce

* make hard boiled eggs (10 minutes) & soak in cold water
* deep fry eggs in oil over medium heat until golden brown
* remove from heat to cool before cutting in halves
* deep fry shallott, garlic, dried red chillies till golden & crispy
* mix seasoning sauce over low heat till thick ... see below
* pour over eggs, sprinkle crispy garnish, add fresh coriander

The Seasoning Sauce is key and that involves (a) 4 tablespoons of Tamarind Juice, from cooking down chunks of semi-dried tamarind pieces (b) 4 tablespoons of Palm Sugar and lastly, (c) 3 tablespoons of Fish Sauce.
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