The People's Republic of China was born 60 years ago, on October 1st in 1949 ... 6.5 months younger than me. 60 is a key milestone as it 'marks the beginning of a new era in the Chinese culture' as the SCMP reports. Today she celebrated with a huge parade in Beijing and it must be one of the most impressive show of military might & humanity in recent world history. According to the newscasters, more than 8,000 troops & 300,000+ civilians participated. The 2-hour parade was like a Chinese history lesson on what transpired since the Communist Party assumed power 60 years ago. The 4 most prominent architects - Mao, Deng, Jiang and Hu - were hailed as leaders who put their signatures on the nation's development in earth shattering dimensions. Mao, the founding father, is fully exonerated from the Cultural Revolution; Deng the leader who opened China's doors; Jiang who launched her on the world stage; and now Hu taking her to global dominance.
The awe inspring moment was the raising of the flag, when more than half a million - supposedly what Tiananmen Square can hold, but there must be more than that number today - stood at attention and sang, in unison, the national anthem. Talking about chills down the spine, here is one for you.
Lots of slogans were paraded, among them I like these the best : (1) Socialism is Good (2) Our Nation will be Strong, Prosperous, Democratic, Civilized & Harmonious ... very well said.
Happy Birthday China, may there be many many more!
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