Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hong Kong just had a serious typhoon (#9 signal was hoisted around midnight) and it was a powerful one. This was taken in the morning from our picture window that overlooks the south side of the island, to the South China Sea, and beyond. Breathtaking ... as the storm clears both the low pressure & the stagnant air. 'On a clear day, you can see forever' as the lyric goes. It feels good to be back in the comforts of home but as I marvel at the scenery, I could not help but feel nostalgic. All of a sudden I miss my 'other home' in Ryde, where my Metro Inn balcony looks out to LCB only a mile away. I loved sitting there with the Weekend Australian and a Petit Robusto, every Sunday. By tomorrow morning - Monday July 20th - the campus will be busy again as Intermediate begins for those who passed Basic. Uniforms, knife kits, tool boxes, bentos, conversations, laughters ... will don the busy hallways again. Equipped with 10-weeks of boot camp, my classmates will carry themselves to the envy of nervous first-timers who will be copycats of us back in April. It will be all so exciting, yet I will not be there.

I miss LCB, and my home in Ryde!
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1 comment:

  1. we miss you too ray!
    chefs, classmates...
    hope your wise extensive knowledge and experience of life will breese you through these momentary changes...
    all the best to you
