Short SMS text replaces long winded business messages, so what is a spreadsheet again .....
Calls from family and friends replace demanding clients, so where is this new eatery .....
No more deadline anxieties, no more boring conference calls, no more clients ....
No more long haul flights, better still no more mile-high cuisine, front or back of Airbus .....
Gym or swim, why not gym and swim, followed by steam room and nap ....
No more autopay at end of month either, no more hefty checks, no more trappings .....
Does it matter, absolutely not, $ can never liberate the mind ....
'Wanting More' is comfortably and sensibly taken over by 'Needing Less' ....
That said, I will never turn down a small Cohiba Robusto, a glass of ice cold water ......
I-Pod playing Best of Chicago, on a lazy sunny Tuesday afternoon, in Kaohsiung .....
Hey, I can be anywhere and this life style would still work ....
Retirement is the best medicine, let no one tell you otherwise!
ReplyDeleteI wish I have your luck, or I wish I could plan as well as you. Full Stop.
Happy retirement --- for me still a distant blur ---