Sunday, November 29, 2009


I was in Jakarta this past weekend, staying at the Crown Plaza. I was at breakfast this morning, and overheard an argument between two young, modern day parents. They are obviously returnees, judging from their American accent. At the core of the dispute was whether their kid, not much older than 5, should be eating a fried egg!!! Mom was the classic willowy match-stick look, and Dad could well be the son I never had, who looked and argued like me!

Mom thought cereal and fruits were plenty enough and 'if you really insist, egg whites, but only at lunch'. Dad wanted his son to try fried egg on mee goreng which Mom vehemently opposed. Dad's best line was, ' ... how can you deprive him from our local fare, food I grew up with, who gave you that right?' 'His health', Mom retorted, ' ... this is for his own good, before he becomes a fat slob like you'. Ouch, what a low blow!

I almost choked on my eggs - yes, a double, never a single - on beautiful dried noodles, with a splash of laksa sauce. The whole scene was funny, but also sad, very sad.

My religion is; kids should be exposed to as many types of food as they are willing, at an early age. They should be given choices, and taught to make them. Kids growing up with health food only, to me, are deprived and unfairly treated. They can make those choices later in life, why not? I fully realize the global problem of child obesity but that does not justify deprivation, it is more a matter of 'appropriate monitoring' on the part of caring parents.

Speaking of religion I hold more or less the same view on religion itself. I do not subscribe to baptizing children soon after they are born. Like food, they should be allowed to choose their religious leaning, as adults. I better shut up now, before my diatribe offends.

To prove how invigorating my BF was, I prepared another helping for your reference. Delish, as Jamie Oliver would proclaim!

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