Saturday, September 03, 2011


The lobsters in Maine do taste different. We can buy these, live, in certain wet markets in Hong Kong but somehow they do not taste the same as they do in Maine. Hey, Maine lobsters do not even taste the same once they hit California so why should they taste the same when they are another 9,000 miles further west, in Hong Kong? This is not 'when in Rome do what the Romans do' as no respectable Down East ladies or gentlemen would have a Lobster Roll for breakfast. This is what the vulgar, unabashed and greedy nomads under the necessary but nonetheless annoying umbrella of 'Summer Tourists' do. Yes, guilty as charged, they are talking about me. The owner of this cafe knew I am a Cochrane boy from years back, a well known family in the Harbor, and specifically asked the kitchen to prepare this for me. It was not even 9am yet. As the expression goes ... I thought I died and went to Heaven, when I took that first succulent and flavorful bite. Indeed, I was. Thank you Boothday, for such a lovely treat!
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