Jess took this wonderful picture of me at sunset, on one of the Kandooma evenings. I have gazed at it many times since, mesmerized each time, feeling fortunate and grateful. I guess there is not that much more one can ask for, when one looks at that beautiful backdrop, and at the wonders of what only our Maker can create. Today is the beginning of 2010, a new decade. If there is a right time to file resolutions, this is it. Like everyone else at these magic, look-yourself-in-the-mirror moments, I made a list last night before going to bed. When I wake up on this sunny new year's morning in Singapore at the Mandarin Oriental that technical TODO list is no longer.
My 2010 goal can be summarised in a simple Mission Statement. " ..... To continue to enrich and develop myself in the culinary arts, in my ability to write about them, and as far as possible or feasible in the process to engage my closest family & friends, whom I treasure and love ...."
May 2010 bring the very best to all of you. Happy New Year!